Saturday, September 5, 2009

Unexplained Phenomenon Day!

Well it's finally labor day weekend and I am at U of I with my wonderful friends from High School. YAY!

I slept through my alarm yesterday and got to Physics 20 minutes late. I almost didn't go because I didn't see the point in being that late but we had a quiz. Good thing I went!

Well, Alexis kicked me out, just kidding! She has rush so I left the room so she could lock it and I walked to the library all by myself! I am so resourceful. Now I'm just waiting for somebody to wake up and say "Hey come hang out!" We are all teenagers so it will probably be a while.

As I was trying to get into the library a spider literally the size of a quarter (see picture) crawled up the handle. I sucked it up and knocked it off so I could get in and read my book. I didn't walk this far to be stopped by some stupid spider.

In the meantime I will be reading A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson if I can find it in this confusing underground library. It's a very interesting book. It's pretty much about the history of scientific discovery since the 1800s. Pretty cool. Well, I'm gonna go try to find that book now.

Oh, and fun fact, it's "unexplained phenomenon" day on Google. Super fun.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you went to Physics class:). Teachers know some kids leave early for a long weekend so they give a quiz.

