Monday, September 21, 2009


That is where I am at. The Watterson Food Court. First of all, they have an ingenious way to deter people from coming back to Watterson drunk. The stairs going down to the dorm are on an angle. You can barely get down them while sober, so you can imagine someone intoxicated. They will be laid out in a heartbeat. I guess that's why all the parties are in the Watterson commons.

Watterson food contains the 4 major food groups. Fruits and Vegetables, Grains and bread, Meats, and Milk and Dairy. Let's see how the majority of college students are filling their daily requirements.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fries seems to be a staple vegetable here. Along with strawberries and grapes (okay those are good for you).

Grains and Bread: Pizza and cookies. Today they have Fruit Loops Rice Crispy Treats.

Meats: Fried Chicken Sandwich. Sometimes of the spicy variation. Need I say more.

Milk and Dairy: Mozzarella Sticks looks like a popular contestant and let's not forget the unlimited Ice Cream bar!

So you see. This whole freshman 15 thing is not our fault. Companies just know what kids will eat. Personally, as I sit next to a guy who is dipping his pepperoni pizza in nacho cheese (holy crap!), I'll stick with my vegetarian diet of salad and rice with the occasional tofu or peanut butter sandwich involved. Okay, I eat pizza sometimes. But that's why working out twice a day is in order. I am determined to lose weight in college. Stoked. Ha Ha. That's just what I was thinking about now. Later

Quote out of context: "Well, if you're going to do it, make sure i don't see anything" -A guy saying this to a girl walking on the quad.

1 comment:

  1. The freshman 15?! psh. That was back in the day when people were ashamed of the truth, in modern times we just call those girls pregnant.

