Monday, October 5, 2009

Just Another Statistic

I must really love my Physics class because I have now gone to Physics every single week on Monday mornings (it's the only day I don't have Physics class). I guess I get to blog now. YAY!

I have decided to join the statistic and change my major like 50% of all college students who come into college with their major decided. I am switching from Physics Teaching to Music Education (sorry Mr. Lewis!). It was quite a long weekend and after a lot of discussion with my parents, I decided that was the best thing for me. Well moving on to this weekend which was crazy.

I went to Becca's on Friday night and saw "What the Butler Saw". It was a crazy play with lots of running around and confusion. The set pretty much fell apart during the play which was sooo not supposed to happen. It made it funnier though.

We then went to a frat party (pretty dumb). It felt like being in a movie. The typical dance party in one room and beer pong in the others and sticky floors. Of course, because, you know me, I didn't drink and neither did Becca so we just tried to have a good time. Didn't work out so well. There was this guy who was trying to dance with us who just danced like a freak! The worst part about it was we couldn't tell if he was wasted or sober. If he was wasted he might have had a chance at being normal. If he was sober....Oh. My. Gosh. It was still fun to go out and about though. Then we went back to the dorm and I met Reggie who is AWESOME! and then we watched Nick and Norah's infinite playlist which I had never seen. It was very cute. Then we stayed up till (shield your eyes mom and dad!) 6am.

Woke up the next morning at about 1:30 which is the latest I have ever slept and then went back home after grabbing lunch. I went home and packed to go home for the night. I got home at about 9pm and walked in to find that my room had been disassembled and made into a game/tv room from my brother so going home really felt like a vacation this time rather than "going home". Don't worry, to get my revenge I took a TON of quarters from my dad's piggy bank that will probably pay for laundry for the next 4 years of college (yes I asked first).

Went to Kafein with Katie that night and stopped by Caribou which was fun and then I went to the Carson's to see them/surprise them. Katie told them she was bringing over a surprise and when we got there Dan goes, "YOU'RE NOT MAX!" Bahahaha! I definitely felt very loved in that moment.

Next day, went to church talked to Max and got working on my new plan of study. As of right now I will being taking 20 credit hours a semester because I couldn't figure out how to work my scheduling around. I finished it when I got back to the dorm and as I sat there rearranging my classes and stuff, Breana and Katie (Wolf) both thought it looked like I was making a world domination plan because I had everything spread out everywhere. Haha.

Robby Shellard's family got a new puppy. Ask him about it. SO CUTE!

Got to talk to Sami for a little while. I miss that girl but she might come visit me soon! :)

Well hopefully I will have an actually exciting/funny story for you next time. Laters!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making it sound like our sets are shitty and fall apart hahaha and I hope that party wasn't traumatizing for you

