Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Break

So, I am sitting in Caribou just hanging out and stuff because no one else has spring break this week. I have found things to do though like drink coffee and work and watch grass grow....

No but seriously it has been a pretty good spring break. I got to go to dinner with S and Galanis last night and then Galanis and I watched Saving Silverman. I have never seen it before...quite good! Then today I got to go to lunch with Matt! I love him and it made me kind of miss musical.

Worked at 4:30am today.... WOOT!

I can't stand people who waste your time. My mom this morning (love her btw) didn't come on time to pick me up and then proceeded to go run other errands when it was clearly her fault that I was going to be late. I just think that time is the thing that people have the least of. The least each one of us can do for each other is respect their time. I think our world would be a better place.

Alright. Have you ever been listening to a song and really payed attention to when the singer breathes/the sound of their breathing? You should listen for it. It will drive you nuts and for a few days, that's all you'll be able to hear. Like I just listened to  "They Weren't There" by Missy Higgins and she takes these INTENSE breaths in between some of her phrases. It makes me totally understand why choir teachers emphasize the "silent breathe" and scattered breathing. It would sound SO much better.

Now I think I'm going to study for Bio. That sounds like a good idea. *Sigh*

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