Monday, June 6, 2011


I feel like I haven't been able to have this many thoughts in a while. I have so many that I don't know where to begin. I feel like I need to make an outline first before I forget something important. It's kind of weird because last summer when I was doing something crazy and thought I would have all of these crazy insights to life, I didn't have very many. I just learned a lot which I guess are insights but I could barely think of things to blog about during that summer. Maybe there was just too much to talk about.

Now I sit here and my mind is running, no racing and I can't make it stop. I can't stop researching, learning, understanding and especially reflecting. That was something I wanted to grow in and I don't seem to want to do anything else. It's really easy for me this summer to say I don't want to hang out with people or to sit at home and do absolutely nothing. Bizarre. I guess it's some well needed rest from always running, always serving and always trying to think of others. Now I have to figure out what it all means, why I do what I do, and where I go from here with that passion.

Intense stuff, huh?

I guess the first thing I want to talk about is about how amazingly beautiful it is in Glenview this summer. It has rained a ton in this lowly little town and I honestly don't know if I have ever seen it this green. I went on a run two days ago and the contrast of the light bright blue sky and the various shades of green brought by the leaves of the trees and flowers with the scattering of color here and there with a flower bed made me stop and realize how much I take this place for granted sometimes. I do want to see the world, I do want to experience other ways of living and I want to see the natural untouched beauty God has provided us to see but sometimes I forget the beauty of the ivy climbing up a brick house where little children run around in the vibrant grass breathing in the hot, sticky summer air that beckons them to a game of water gun tag. Sometimes I forget about the yellow and black gigantic bumble bee that scares me so much on a back drop of pink and periwinkle flowers and just how colorful God made this place. The blue blue sky and the white white clouds with the sun so bright you can't even look at it. Dark, medium and light greens showing signs of life. Bird calls all around me and a warm breeze that isn't refreshing and makes you sweat just enough to feel like your getting a good tan. How beautiful has God made creation? I look around knowing that God made this place for us. If this is what a broken world looks like, I cannot wait to see a whole one. What an incredible thought and how exciting!
That's the beauty I feel right now. Those are the thoughts in my head and I'm only through bulletpoints 1 of 5 that I wanted to write about.

Next, my finger which I think I posted about yesterday. It looks really gross. Like really gross. I took a picture of it on my phone and I want to post it but I don't think you all can handle it. I tried to take off the bandaid today and it ripped off the outer layer that had sort of formed so it bled again for a while. Now I'm letting it air out and hoping that a scab will form soon. Through this experience though, I've learned how quickly your body can adapt to change. The most specific example is typing. I skinned my left index finger which is a pretty important typing finger but instead of typing one key at a time now or being really slow, the rest of my fingers on my left hand have picked up the slack quite nicely. I'm back to typing almost at regular speed.

That being said, there are a few things that I can't cut corners on which will be difficult to accept for the next few weeks as it heals. Piano and especially guitar. I am trying to not only self teach both but also to write a bunch. I guess for now I can just play chords really awkwardly on the piano. Who knows, maybe I will become an incredible lyricist because I can't focus on the music. Or a slam poet (is that even a term? I know a poetry slam is real...). Who knows.

The other thought that I have been having and that seems to be thrown in my face recently is how I am going to live my life after college and how I can get around the world in the absolute cheapest way possible to meet the most people I can. I have been doing research for the past few days on this and have been praying about it and almost feel like it should be something I seriously pursue for a while. I found an awesome website that allows you to connect with organic farmers throughout the world. You work for them for free and they give you food and shelter. I was specifically looking for farms in Israel. I could be making cheese next summer! haha. I also found that book that I posted about yesterday. It's quite good and I'm excited to finish reading it and then my mom told me to watch this movie called Into the Wild. She said I would like it. It's about a guy who graduates from Emory and drops everything he has and becomes a vagabond. His ultimate goal was to get to Alaska and I think he made it (the movie kinda hopped around every where) but he died after eating a poisonous plant. What I didn't like about the movie was the fact that Chris never contacted his parents even in a round about way. He just disappeared one day and they found him dead in a bus he had been living in for a while and they found all of his journals and diaries. That's crazy but it got me thinking.

It can be so easy to fall into the oblivion of life. To sit here and all of a sudden realize that once upon a time you had dreams and then wake up to the reality that you have been doing your desk job for 10 years planning to get out instead of getting out. I think that is the problem with our society at this point. Too much planning. I used to be a planner. I would make weekly, monthly, yearly and beyond goals ALL THE TIME. Thankfully after a long but much needed lesson about how God is in control I am much more able to live in the present and let the worries of tomorrow wait for tomorrow. I'm not saying don't plan I'm just saying that we live our lives in a way where we are always looking forward to the next thing.
It's a boyfriend, then marriage, then kids will make you happy. Then grandkids, retirement and moving to a little house on the beach. And then you realize at the end of your life that you were too busy working towards nothing that you forgot to look around and experience life and truly living.

If you got to here, I'm impressed...

Feel free to remark, observe, vent, ask questions, judge all that good stuff by commenting :)

Added Bonus:


  1. Hi!

    I know it's been quite a while since we talked, but I read this and just wanted to tell you that I know where you're coming from with this. I've been in a similar place, where the rush and busyness of life come to a halt and God forces you to slow down and wait. And wait. And in that time, you learn to appreciate what you have and what's around you instead of always focusing on what comes next. The just when you get comfortable and used to waiting on God, he'll throw you back into a busy life and help you grow there too :)

    Also, I don't know if you've heard of it, but is a super-helpful way to find people to stay with while you're traveling anywhere in the world. A couple of months ago, I was starting to plan a trip with it myself, then God dropped a job in my lap instead.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep it up :) And if you ever want to talk at some point, maybe catch up a bit, I'd be delighted to. Email, facebook, whatever, just let me know!

  2. 7th paragraph. Wow. It hits me like a punch to the solar plexus (and that's a compliment, haha). ;-)- The act of planning every little thing out in an effort to just Get It Done definitely resonates with me. I'm a schemer, a schemer trying to control my little world (quoted from the Dark Knight). Planning and scheduling every hour of the day can be extremely addicting to me, I think because it gives me a false sense of security.

    Then when I get really sick or am otherwise unable to be uber productive, I'm slapped upside the head with the realization that, "Oh yeah, life is not up to me, nor is it contingent on how much I 'accomplish' in a given day!!!"

    God has really been working on me in this area, to just enjoy the moment and go with what's happening around me, and also to find rest.

    I like your reflections on the beauty of your hometown in the summertime, as well. When I go home or out to Joel's place, there is very little to see but fields and farmhouses intersected by unpaved roads. Yet, I've enjoyed just cruising through that, being enveloped in it's simplicity and beauty, and thinking. It's important to do that from time to time. ;-)-

    The mental picture of you living a semi-nomadic life, bouncing around from farm to farm in Israel, is awesome. I know that wherever you end up God will use you to do important work for Him.

    Thanks so much for the reminder to go with what's happening in the present, and relinquish control of life to the One who holds the whole world together. Talk to you later sister, God bless!

  3. P.S., check out my blog sometime if you want. I don't post as often as I'd like to, but you may enjoy some of my posts.

  4. That was great. First of all, like I said a while ago, you have a gift. Your words come out with flow and truly affects the person reading. I really enjoyed the first paragraph where you talked about going on a run and seeing all of God's beautiful creation. I feel that I never think about God creating everything when I am outside and it really got me to thinking that I need to appreciate the amazing world that God has given us even if the people who are in it are broken. I'm glad that your writing could hit me in such a way that it pretty much wakes me up to the world around.

    Keep writing and continue to let God work through you. It's great! :)

