Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Deck Diaries: Day 1
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
The best thing about the snow here is that it is AWESOME packing snow. It is sooo easy to have a snowball fight or make an EPIC HUGE snowman. We did neither of those; however, we did go to this little park by campus that is so cute! We also walked around downtown Holland at like 1am. It's a small little town and it reminds me of the old section on Glenview. I also got to meet the two people Duda talks about all the time: Abby and Scott. They are cool.
Today, I have just been chillin' on my computer in this one building that has free WiFi. Sam had some classes today but some were canceled because of the snow. We are supposed to get about 20 inches over the next few days and it's supposedly the biggest snow storm Holland has seen in years. I would be here for that haha.
I already miss my friends from school. :( But I can't wait to see them over break and have awesome adventures!!!!! That will be super fun!
I guess that's all for now. Duda's christmas party in her dorm is tonight that should be fun! Later!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down
Thumbs Down to having to study for Physics and Calculus
Thumbs Up for being done with finals on Monday
Thumbs Down for having Physics and Calculus finals on the same day
Thumbs Up to free massages and breakfast and more importantly Peanut Butter, Fluff and Chocolate Chip sandwiches in the cafeteria until midnight because of finals
Thumbs Down to 24 hour a day quiet hours because of finals
Thumbs Up to August telling me to go to bed early
Thumbs Down to not going to bed until 3am (Sorry August!)
Thumbs Up to having a snowball fight during the first snow of the season instead of sleeping
Thumbs Down to the cops coming and telling us to stop being loud
Thumbs Up to the people on floor 8 who waved to us while we were outside. We then wrote "COME OUT!" in the snow and they read it and came outside to play in the snow with us.
Thumbs Down to switching rooms and figuring out where to put my stuff over break without taking it home (can't move in until other girl moves out)
Epic Thumbs Up to rooming with KK next semester!!!!!
Thumbs Down to leaving to go home for a month tomorrow
Thumbs Up to visiting Sam at Hope!
And that has been the past few days!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yep. I think I can handle that
Is the person you last texted single?
Do you get jealous easily?
It's actually impossible for me to be jealous. I'm very lucky for that
Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
Nope. I don't waste my time on people that I don't think I can be with
What are you currently waiting for?
Turkey Soup. It's all I want right now!
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
The present. Sometimes it bites me in the butt because I don't really care to think about the future meaning I don't make a plan or I wait till the last second for stuff.
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
TOTALLY! my friendzies from home
Honestly, do you really love the last person you said I love you too?
Yep. Honestly do.
Is anything wrong with your eyes?
I have pretty sweet glasses because I can't see and I have this sketchy twitch that happens when I'm nervous or tired
Who were the last people you saw besides from family?
Gavin, Derek, Ricky, Luke and Tyler
Do you have nice eyes?
Green on the outside, blue towards the center. i will admit, they are pretty awesome.
Have you ever received a love letter more than a page long?
YES!!!!!!!! It was amazing.
Who's thinking about you right now?
My mom because she wants me to get off the computer hahaha
Is this year the best year of your life?
Everyday moment is the best moment of my life. Life just keeps getting exponentially better
Which of your friends lives closest to you?
Hmmmm... Rachel, Becca, Katie
How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper?
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Do you ever work out?
Yea! I've been working out a lot actually
Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
I never go to a tanning bed
Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Ummm no.
Does your bedroom need cleaning?
Not anymore. I became a neat freak in college
Zombies or Vampires?
July 4th or St. Patrick's Day?
St. Patty's Day! Corned Beef and Cabbage!
Pretty Woman or Sixteen Candles?
I don't think I've seen either of those haha
Sushi of choice?
All kinds! Sushi is great
Yard sale or goodwill?
Yard sales. They are pretty awesome and always in the summer
Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?
really slow
Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?
Are you comfortable with your height?
Do you act differently around the person you like?
nope. I'm just naturally insane and crazy all the time
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
how am I supposed to answer this? P.S. My grammar has progressively gone down the drain in this note.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Do you like thunderstorms?
Love them
Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Yes. It is possible
How fast does your mood change?
The only mood that I have is happy. I am lucky to be stuck in this particular mood
Are there things that can't be joked about with you?
I'm totally cool with joking about anything
What do you always take with you?
Umm I have no clue. I guess a hair scrunchie
When is your birthday?
July 26
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I would have to go with the Grove
Anything on your walls?
Pics. I would like to paint some artwork though
What do you bite more, your tongue, lip, or cheek?
I always bite my lip!
Has a boy/girl called you babe/baby lately?
Oh, I get that all the time. haha no
Is there something that you want to tell someone but can't?
I think being honest with people is the best thing that has ever happened to me so no. I can say that everything that I need to say to people is out there in the open
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
I totally dig long relationships
Do you crack your knuckles?
constantly. and this question made me want to do it really bad! one sec...
Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
alright... back. yea speeches are great. i'm excited for my communications class next semester
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
If I tried really hard I could probably guess but let's remember that I live in the present so I don't remember the past unless I really have to. It made me who I am today so I guess I am the past living in the present... ooo philosophical
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
I think that would be cool. Maybe a whale shark or one that wouldn't be interested in eating me. or if i was in a cage that would be cool too
Does anyone know your passwords besides you?
ummmm maybe like one other person
Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks?
I can't remember!!! I don't think so. I think it was in the rain.
What would you do if you found out the person you liked had a girlfriend?
Well since I truly cared about them. I would just be happy that they were happy
What is the last beverage you had?
orange juice
I bet you miss somebody right now…
I bet I don't.... haha I dunno I guess I do
Do you have a box where you keep all your important things?
Sophomore year I did that and then I got lazy
How many times have you dyed your hair?
Can you count past 100?
well here is the test.... ninety nine, one hundred, one hundred and one! oh my goodness that was effort
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
oh totally. I would become like behr grillzz ( I don't know how to spell his name)
How old will you be in 17 months?
19. I'm just a youngin' haha
Most memorable thing that's happened to you over the summer?
I don't even know! everything?
Has anyone called you perfect before?
I hope not!
Do your best friends’ parents tend to like you?
Yea... I get along much better with parents than kids
What’s your all-time favorite ROMANCE movie?
I'm with Katie... don't have one
TV show you watch?
Glee and House
Are any of your friends taller than you?
yea most of them
Name the bands you have band tees for:
Relient K and Superchick (signed!! that's right...)
Do you prefer the ocean or pool?
Ever liked someone whose name started with a A?
Probably in like second grade
What’s your favorite part of the song that you’re listening to?
The whole thing! I'm listening to Selah
Ever really cried your heart out?
Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2009?
I don't think I can say that. I think you would have to ask someone who knows me that question.
Is there a difference between love and IN love?
there is a HUGE difference
Does it bother you when someone says they will call you and they don't?
nah. I just get them back later. haha just kiddding
Do you speak any other language other than English?
Did 2008 treat you good?
didn't I already talk about this? life keeps getting exponentially better
Do you think you were raised well?
YEA! my parentals are the bomb!
Could you name all 50 states and point to them on a map?
bahaha. According to Map Challenge on facebook that is a negative
Are you someone's best friend?
quiero que si
Where was the last place you were when you got sick?
I don't remember the last time I was sick
Have you ever smuggled something into America?
What's your favorite super-hero?
No idea
Can you say the alphabet backward?
My brain only works forward. The rewind button is broken
Pen or pencil?
Hummmm.... marker pens
Ever had an 11:11 wish come true?
Do you get bad headaches?
What's worse: liars or cheaters?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
my friends don't call the heartbreaker for nothing! haha
What's usually colder, your hands or your feet?
my feet
What’s your favorite type of flower?
i does not have one
Give me a random lyric from the song you're listening to:
Seeeeeellllaaaaahhh! Selah. selah. SELAH!
Do you like competition?
i'm always down for a little competition
Do you think two people can last forever?
for sure!
Do you consider yourself lucky?
yes. I am the luckiest person alive when it comes to life. when it comes to winning things, not so much
Do you live in a ghetto neighborhood?
yea... the g-hood. hardcore stuff....
Is there someone that cares about you more than themselves?
God. He is my rock and the reason that I am able to honestly say my life is beautiful in an situation. He is so good to me for no reason! that's true love and caring right there
Who was the ugliest person you saw today?
Has a song ever made you cry?
A book ever made you cry?
Is the world crumbling to pieces?
hmmm.... yes and no
How many states in the U.S. have you been to?
as of yesterday, 11!
Where did you grow up?
In the same house my dad has grown up in since he was 10. I have never moved
Is your handwriting large, tiny, or pretty normal?
pretty shmeh haha
Will you be in a relationship next month?
probably not
Your phone rings, what do you say?
apparently I say "Hey punk" hahaha
Has anyone ever said they wanted to marry you?
ummm no
Have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader?
gymnast like when i was 2
Is your birthday on a holiday?
dude... my birthday IS a holiday. just kidding. it's not on a holiday
Do you ever cry during romantic movies?
yea. i'm secretly a hopeless romantic as much as I say i'm not
Do you always answer your phone?
I tend to not answer my phone. I used have my phone super glued to my ear and now I just don't feel it is a necessary part of me. so i feel like i ignore phone calls and texts a lot so don't take it personally. i'm doing it to everyone
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?
Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?
Ummm i guess megan haha
Are you ticklish?
i don't know what you're talking about....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wow. So much to talk about!
So I got here on Saturday morning around 10am and Gavin wasn't expecting Alexis and I until like midnight that night. So I text him as I have been sitting in the airport for like 2 hours. Turns out Alexis still isn't supposed to get in till midnight! CRAZY!!! So Gavin takes the subway to get me and we took the subway back to where he lives. I decided that since I was on the East Coast, I had to get some legit seafood. We went to this place called Legal Seafood which was quite delicious. Our waiter made us get oysters, East and West Coast. I'm very glad I had water sitting next to me... I will never eat another oyster again. They are just slimy and gross and all you can taste is the saltwater. SICK! Legal Seafood does have amazing clam chowder that I greatly enjoyed and the scallops tasted super fresh. It was funny though, the waiter asked us like SEVEN time if we wanted some wine. Gavin and I were like uuhhhhhhh, no.... haha apparently we look old. stoked.
That night I got meet Ricky Valadez and the band, Ricky, Luke, Tyler and Gavin. Definitely check them out on Facebook if you get a chance. SUPER AWESOME! I got to see them practice and I totally got to have a sweet jazz jam with them, scatting and all. We ate at this place called Cappy's afterwards where it's like $2.50 for a piece of pizza the size of your body and saw the three story Apple Store. It was a great night.
We then met up with Derek and just chilled for the night. He was totally just showing off and stuff. Super Ridiculous bahaha just kidding! Derek is awesome!
Then Sunday!
Gavin took me around to see Boston. We went to Newbury Strizeet! It pretty much has anything that you want store wise. Lots of cool specialties stores too. Like a comic book store that was super epic! Just a bunch of comic books and lots of CD's. It was pretty cool. We went to Upper Crust which is this great little pizza joint that is only in Boston. I got a pizza with tomatoes, basil and eggplant on it. Pretty unusual but twas delicious!
We then walked to the Boston Commons. On our way, we saw this cool looking cemetery. We also went to this park. Gavin swore that there were these fake ducks somewhere in the park but there were none to be found. We all know that Gavin is going insane, something about the salt in the air from being so close to the ocean.... BUT we did see these kids playing QUIDDITCH! dude. yea. legitimate quidditch, broomsticks and all.... later we posted that story on and we made it on! pretty much greatest accomplishment of our lives... pathetic hahaha.
We then went to chill with Luke and Tyler. They have this HUGE room that is supposed to be for three people but it's only them so they have a sweet set up. This included "The Aura" and Ugaloo the chicken god. Don't even worry about it. Then Rickaaaay came over and we all just chilled for a whizile.
Then Derek came over to Gavin's after we got back to his apartment and then Derek took me to see the Charles River. Very pretty view. We got into a fist fight with the Dunkin' Donuts cashier.... baha not really but pretty much.
Great talks are amazing. I feel like when you really sit down and talk with someone you learn so much about the other person but even more importantly you learn so much about yourself. I love great talks and I am always down for them.
Then Monday... my last day here. I pretty much slept all day cuz the room I stayed in has no windows so when you wake up you pretty much think it's still night time and you kind of lose the will to wake up and because Gavin had classes. So then around 6pm we went to dinner at an authentic Indian restaurant which was actually pretty good and now I'm packing and getting ready to leave bright and early tomorrow morning.
Well that's all I've got. I will definitely travel more often because I love it. I want to go everywhere and experience new things and people. It would be the perfect job. Well onto the rest of my Thanksgiving Break and if I don't blog till after... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Fortunately, I've Avoided A Lot of Heartbreak
God is SO good to me.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I'm Ignoring You....
Anyway. I haven't blogged in 3 weeks. Let me think of some excuses:
1) Max is distracting on the phone... oh wait. that's right now
2) Oregon Trail was much more entertaining
3) I actually made friends in college bahaha
4) maybe i have tried to do my homework.... yea, right.
5) It's the same reason that my happy aquarium has gone to hell... i just don't care about the internet anymore
On Friday I volunteered at a benefit concert. I got to take peoples money! mwahaha.
But it all went to 10,000 homes and International Justice Mission.
Then yesterday I just chill-axed and finished the fourth season of House. super great
and TODAY!!!!! Iron Chef competition in the dorm room kitchen!! woot!
Secret Ingredient: The secret ingredient was ramen noodles
This was our meal:
We made a chicken dish with a homemade red wine vinegar sauce with sauteed vegetables on a bed of rice and then we we put crushed ramen noodles on top for some crunch
And then we made a peach cobbler which was actually really good
And now I am here with a mere 5 days till a week of freedom.
College is so great.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Blogging From My Phone
Anyway. So yesterday I spent epic amounts of time creating my new Plan of Study. It's color coordinated and everything so it's like the real deal.
After that had small groups and talked about identity which is actually a really hard topic in my opinion.
Then came the epic study party that was held from about 1 till 330. It was a pretty unproductive night to say the least but at least we got a good laugh out of it.
On a sad note, bought this T-shirt called a personal soundtrack T-shirt and it shipped to my house :( so now I won't have it for Halloween unless my parents love me *cough cough*
Currently sitting in the Waterrson Food Court waiting for something epically awesome to happen so I can brighten your day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Ramblings of Katie Wolf
"But you were in the rain and the rain is water that fish have sex in!"
Katie Wolf everybody!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
School Gets in the Way of Life
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oh What a Night
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Apparently This One Wasn't Important Enought to Have a Title
The best thing about Monday was that I got to go to dinner with Becca and Rae. It was like old times. Went to Noodles. Chilled in my room. You know the basics. Then Katie and I went to Fusion Brew which is amazing. Their Chai Tea Latte... yea definitely competitive with Caribou.
Tuesday: Hmmmm had physics and my physics labs yesterday and the stupid lab took forever. The TA had no idea what was going on. I had to stay the whole 3 hours which sucked. Hopefully we did well on the lab cuz i'll be mad if we get points taken off.
Glee is tonight! Super excited!
Right now I'm sitting in my Physics Seminar. Pretty interesting. We are learning about nuclear stuff and the likely hood of getting cancer from radiation. Apparently the single largest risk factor for getting cancer is old age. I guess I hope we find a cure for getting old. That would be good. The biggest lifetime radiation dose comes from background radiation: the sun, other people, the walls, your own body, food. About 40 millirems a year and 60 millirems a year if you are in close contact with people for the majority of the day. I guess that's the science lesson for the day.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I Guess College Kids Still Pick Their Noses
Well, let's see. Yesterday was Saturday. I had to deal with a heart attack of a situation. That was fun and for that reason, I could not watch House because I couldn't concentrate. Sadness. So then I took a nap forever. And then I went to Target.
Sadly, as a college student who doesn't drink or smoke, going out on a Saturday night means going to Target. We took some public transportation there and Kaitlyn and I got flannel for flannel Fridays and I got the GOOD Peach Iced Tea. Soo then we came back here and we chilled.
Shut my shades so I wouldn't wake up as early as usual. I was hoping to wake up at like 2pm. But DANG IT DARBUS I only slept till like 11:30. Dumb. But we went to the laundry mat and I read "A Short History of Nearly Everything". Learned all about why limestone is sooo important which was cool.
Then I cam back here. This is SO awful. So in the elevator someone wrote "mike was here" with boogers like pretty big. I saw it was was totally grossed out. So then August got back from her trip home and Breanna, Josh and I went to help her carry her stuff up.
We all got in the elevator and we held the door open for this guy who was running to get in. He got in and asked to go to the floor and LEANED ON THE BOOGER WRITING!!! I was the only one who saw and all I could do was crack up laughing. I couldn't form words and all I could do was point and just like choke-laugh. Thankfully Breanna saw me pointing and looked over and told the kid that he was leaning in boogers. It was SO EC-PIC FUNNY.
Well that was my Saturday and Sunday. Pretty sweet. Well I hope you enjoy! Laters
Friday, October 9, 2009
Oh Kurt....
Well it's 7:52am and I am sitting in the train station. You might be thinking I should be at school or at least on my way back and sitting on the train but no. I missed the 7am train. It's amazing the difference in traffic between 6am and 6:10am… what the heck. Any way you won't get this post till later but you should know that I am really writing this at 7:52 am. It's amazing that there is no free WiFi anywhere around here. I went to Starbucks and you have to pay for it. Reason #37 that Caribou is infinitely better than Starbucks.
Alright sooo yesterday. I had an extra train ticket and so I decided to visit school. Woke up late, and then had to run to the train from my dorm. Got to school around noon and it was so nice to see everyone! Carolyn by far had the best reaction haha. She saw me in the hall and just said hi and kept walking and then turned around and FLIPPED out and literally fell on the ground. Haha. I found out Solace was having practice that night and so I wanted to stay instead of going back last night at about 7. Got to go to their practice and they were wonderful. They saw "Over the Rainbow" by Celtic Women and "Where is Love" from Oliver. Both were awesome! I can't wait for the Solace concert! I got to hear the Solace CD which will be out by November 2nd. OH MY GOSH! It's amazing. The live track of "God's Love Nubia" is amazing. Emily sounds sooo kick butt on it.
I wasn't expecting to stay the night so I borrowed some clothes and slept in my makeshift bed. My room has been officially turned into a game/TV room for my brother. If you knew what my room looked like before you would realize how easy it would be to do that. Yea so slept there and now my train leaves around 9:30. I'm going to miss Physics and Math….again. Whatever! It's Friday… who really cares. But I'm still kinda angry anyway and I gotta help this kid with His Physics homework cuz he never comes to class and doesn't know what's going on. I have been avoiding it all week because I think it's so pathetic that he didn't come to class so he doesn't know how to do the homework. Whatever. People like that are never gonna make it in life.
There is a girl crying to my left. I think she missed her train too… that sucks.
Anyway, yep, just sitting in the Amtrak Station. I have an hour to kill so doing some people watching. People are funny you know?
Oh life. I think the worst thing about life is not the fact that we have time constraints, that's not a big deal, but the fact that we have to sleep. Sleep is just SO dumb. Why can't my brain and body just run continuously? I mean when I sit down it could recharge my body. That's like rest sort of.
Oh man, looks like the K9 unit has just picked up someone. Good to know that our Chicago Police force is doing it's job. And here we go. They are trying to get him to leave. I don't think he has drugs but I don't know. Well now they are searching him. I think they let him go but told him to get out. Dang.
I'm sitting by a fountain right now and I really wish I had a penny to throw in so I could make a wish. I would definitely wish that I didn't have a quiz today in Physics. That would be nice. UGH 45 more minutes until I can get on the train. I'm going to work on my survey paper once I get on the train. That will be good.
Oh there is a lady walking around with hair curlers in her hair. I wonder if she knows?
I'm going to read now. My nerd book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. It's actually pretty good. At least I like it. It's basically all the scientific discoveries since the 1800's. I am already in the 1990's and I am only half way through the book. It's amazing how much technology and science has change in the past 20 years. There have just been HUGE strides. Alright well I'm off to continue learning about the earths' inner, middle and outer core. Stoked. Later.
P.S. I need to find a man who makes my heart flutter as much as it does when Kurt Elling sings to me on my iPod. *sigh*
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Little Too Ironic....
"i dont really feel like talking to a bunch of nerds when i could be reading my book"
.... Yea, I really do think.
That's right! I don't have to get a tattoo anymore of a string around my finger because I found this. Stoked. Mom and Dad should be relieved haha.
So you know it's a good day when one of your classes gets canceled. Yep. Got the chance to blog because English was canceled today. Woot!
Sooooo yesterday. Yesterday, only had one class and then spent the rest of the day studying for my Physics class today. Then took a break at about 8 for 3 hours to go to ImprovMafia which is an improve show ( if you couldn't figure that out already). Pretty good. Then I had small group.
Now I am watching Top Chef Masters. It's super good.
Oh. Max is coming to visit on Friday. Super excited for that and then the Hannah Honky Tonk which should be fun is on Saturday night. Basically gone all weekend once again.
I think I might be going home tomorrow for the day. That will be fun. Alright well I'm gonna go on and rock that for a while. More later!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Fire Drill
There was a guy who had to run out of the shower in just his towel and another guy who was in a banana suit... I have never had so many questions.
Yesterday was just average. Unpacked from the weekend today and yea, overall good day.
Today. BORING! and lots and lots of studying. I realized as I was sitting in class that I would really love it if my parents got me internet on my phone so I could blog whenever I want (COUGH COUGH COUGH!) and check my emails for IMI ( COUGH COUGH COUGH!!!!)
Well, improv mafia tonight and then small groups....woot!
P.S. I counted that box of coins I took, Dad. $33.75
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just Another Statistic
I have decided to join the statistic and change my major like 50% of all college students who come into college with their major decided. I am switching from Physics Teaching to Music Education (sorry Mr. Lewis!). It was quite a long weekend and after a lot of discussion with my parents, I decided that was the best thing for me. Well moving on to this weekend which was crazy.
I went to Becca's on Friday night and saw "What the Butler Saw". It was a crazy play with lots of running around and confusion. The set pretty much fell apart during the play which was sooo not supposed to happen. It made it funnier though.
We then went to a frat party (pretty dumb). It felt like being in a movie. The typical dance party in one room and beer pong in the others and sticky floors. Of course, because, you know me, I didn't drink and neither did Becca so we just tried to have a good time. Didn't work out so well. There was this guy who was trying to dance with us who just danced like a freak! The worst part about it was we couldn't tell if he was wasted or sober. If he was wasted he might have had a chance at being normal. If he was sober....Oh. My. Gosh. It was still fun to go out and about though. Then we went back to the dorm and I met Reggie who is AWESOME! and then we watched Nick and Norah's infinite playlist which I had never seen. It was very cute. Then we stayed up till (shield your eyes mom and dad!) 6am.
Woke up the next morning at about 1:30 which is the latest I have ever slept and then went back home after grabbing lunch. I went home and packed to go home for the night. I got home at about 9pm and walked in to find that my room had been disassembled and made into a game/tv room from my brother so going home really felt like a vacation this time rather than "going home". Don't worry, to get my revenge I took a TON of quarters from my dad's piggy bank that will probably pay for laundry for the next 4 years of college (yes I asked first).
Went to Kafein with Katie that night and stopped by Caribou which was fun and then I went to the Carson's to see them/surprise them. Katie told them she was bringing over a surprise and when we got there Dan goes, "YOU'RE NOT MAX!" Bahahaha! I definitely felt very loved in that moment.
Next day, went to church talked to Max and got working on my new plan of study. As of right now I will being taking 20 credit hours a semester because I couldn't figure out how to work my scheduling around. I finished it when I got back to the dorm and as I sat there rearranging my classes and stuff, Breana and Katie (Wolf) both thought it looked like I was making a world domination plan because I had everything spread out everywhere. Haha.
Robby Shellard's family got a new puppy. Ask him about it. SO CUTE!
Got to talk to Sami for a little while. I miss that girl but she might come visit me soon! :)
Well hopefully I will have an actually exciting/funny story for you next time. Laters!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Once Again...
Let's see what is happening in my life. This week was a crazy week. Literally woke up on Monday went to all my classes and came back to the dorm and already wanted the week to be over. Missed Glee because of a meeting which was SOOOO sad but whatever. Gotta watch that tonight. Then on Thursday I went to see the Illinois State Symphony Orchestra. They were very good and the conductor was SUPER intense. The guy who played the triangle at the Orchestra concert played with such authority. I was inspired. I have now decided it is my life's goal to play the triangle for CSO. Not percussion, I would just specialize in triangle because it is clearly the most important instrument in the Orchestra. Well here is what we heard that night.
Carneval Overture, Op. 92 (1891) -- Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)
Sinfonia Concertante, K 364 (K. 320d, 1779) -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Allegro Maestoso
Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36 (1877) -- Pyotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Andante sostenuto-Moderato con anima
Andantino in modo di canzona
Scherzo; Pizzicato ostinato: Allegro
Finale: Allegro con fuoco
Today I had 3 classes. That was nice. This weekend is gonna be awesome though! I will not spill anything that I am going to do but Becca and I are hanging out tonight and so more later. Get excited :)
Happy Friday everyone and have a wonderful weekend!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Paste that link into your web browser. Definitely worth it.
And also here is a funny picture for all of you. Thank you!

"My friends, I don't want us to think of prayer as a last resort. It is not just something you do when nothing else works. Prayer is an absolutely essential tool."
-Mark Hanlon
Senior Vice President, USA
Compassion International
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
You know when....
BAHAHAHA! It was perfect.
Monday, September 28, 2009
"Happy Winds-day!"
Last night as I was discovering the most innovative and wonderful websites of my small insignificant life ( with the most wonderful person in the whole world (yes... Becca :)) and the wind was shaking the windows to the point that we thought they were going to bust in. Very cool.
Sometimes, luck is on your side and when it is, you take full advantage of the situation because chances are that your luck will run out fairly quickly.
Today I had a paper due in English. I had done the research last night and spent this morning working on it. Needless to say it was a pretty freakin' crappy paper. I got to class today and my teacher walked out of her previous class and looked at me working on my computer. I thought I was busted! She told me class was canceled and that the paper was due on wednesday because she wasn't feeling well. Alright! I'll take it! I will not be procrastinating that much ever again because that was too close for comfort.
There is a story from those four days of my life I decided to ignore but I now realize is a great story that needs to be told.
So Dave was interviewing Razzi about where he is most often inspired. Raz said the bathroom is where he has had the most epiphanies and meaningful conversations. I said that was super gross and asked him who he had the meaningful conversations with. He said he would be on the phone or on skype without the other person knowing. I was freaking out about how gross that is. All the other guys at the table were agreeing with Raz. Josh in particular said he used the computer while he was using the restroom and I said that is SO disgusting! He responded with "What? I put a towel down first" I died of laughter. It was the uncontrollable laughter when everyone around you looks at you and thinks "Wow. It probably wasn't even that funny". But I was laughing so hard that I literally had to leave the cafeteria and was dying all the way out to the lounge. It was great. And if you have ever seen me giggly or laugh really hard you know exactly what I'm talking about.
It's a beautiful fall day. Perfect temperature, nice, blustery day and the leaves are finally falling after turning into awesome shades of green, orange, red and brown. I love Fall!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Ec-pic Fail
Basically, I stayed up till about 2am at the bonfire which was super nice (at the retreat) and I got back from the retreat at about 3. I had SO much fun!
Now I'm back to reality and doing some homework before Becca comes over!!! Woot! Sleepover! haha Well. Homework time
Later :)
P.S. It's Google's 11th Birthday!! Happy Birthday, Google!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
During dinner, my friend Eric decided to show us this secret thing he can do. So his mouth is apparently really stretchy because he fit the whole mouth of the cup in his mouth. BAHAHA! Whenever Taylor puts the picture up that he took, I will definitely be posting it on here. It's hysterical.
Then I had small groups which was really cool. We had it in my room tonight which is now awesome because everything is set up! We look super sophisticated. It's awesome. Then I had a good conversation with Max and I think I'm gonna head to bed. Sweetness. Later!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Quote Out of Context for the day
Monday, September 21, 2009
Watterson food contains the 4 major food groups. Fruits and Vegetables, Grains and bread, Meats, and Milk and Dairy. Let's see how the majority of college students are filling their daily requirements.
Fruits and Vegetables: Fries seems to be a staple vegetable here. Along with strawberries and grapes (okay those are good for you).
Grains and Bread: Pizza and cookies. Today they have Fruit Loops Rice Crispy Treats.
Meats: Fried Chicken Sandwich. Sometimes of the spicy variation. Need I say more.
Milk and Dairy: Mozzarella Sticks looks like a popular contestant and let's not forget the unlimited Ice Cream bar!
So you see. This whole freshman 15 thing is not our fault. Companies just know what kids will eat. Personally, as I sit next to a guy who is dipping his pepperoni pizza in nacho cheese (holy crap!), I'll stick with my vegetarian diet of salad and rice with the occasional tofu or peanut butter sandwich involved. Okay, I eat pizza sometimes. But that's why working out twice a day is in order. I am determined to lose weight in college. Stoked. Ha Ha. That's just what I was thinking about now. Later
Quote out of context: "Well, if you're going to do it, make sure i don't see anything" -A guy saying this to a girl walking on the quad.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Conga Lines
[to the tune of the conga line]
[mambo mambo mambo!]
Then we went back to the dorm and we hung out with other Katie. We ordered D.P. Dough, the pesto calzones and they were ec-pic! Then we watched How I Met Your Mother. While we were watching it, we heard a knock on the door. Katie yelled "Come in!" and in walks these three guys. They go "Ummm. We got a noise complaint and they said that it was coming from this dorm" I asked who complained and they said the room above us. I was like oh, the boys floor complained about us? And they were like yea! the boys floor. and then they were like are you guys playing twister? and Katie was like does it look like we're playing twister? and they said no i guess not and then they left. We were just shocked. Clearly they weren't RA's and they were just trying to pick up girls. At first I thought it was super lame but then I really thought about it and that was a brilliant idea! So for all you guys out there. That is a great way to meet women. So we fell asleep in Katie's room watching How I Met Your Mother.
Then on Sat. I had Women's 1st and 3rd. It was a great breakfast and then I came back and Katie was eating lunch with Jackie and Kenny came for a college visit. It was kinda stressful but oh well. We went to fusion brew and got some yummy coffee and decided that our movie we wanted to make will be called Mission to Brew. Yea I was pretty giggly that night and kept doing weird things. Story of my life. That night we watched Finding Nemo. I totally forgot how amazing that movie is. It's sooo funny. "I'm gonna getcha. I'm gonna swim with you. I'm gonna be your best friend..........good feeling's gone." Bahaha. So then we went back to Katie's room and we decided to watch a bunch of episodes of How I Met Your Mother in order to fall asleep. We reminisced about old TV shows and Disney Channel movies like Beetle Juice and Halloween Town. So great. Fell asleep and cue Sunday! Oh and quote of the night... apparently I am a failure with a side of home-wrecker.
Today I went to the last Sunday church service that Cornerstone will be having in a while. What Mike talked about really hit home today. It was pretty cool. I decided to be nice and sit by a new guy. His name is Jeff and he was nice. Right after church I had warm up for my first choir concert as a college student. Then went to lunch with Katie and my Dad called me. Turns out my family came down as a surprise to see me! It was awesome. We did alright but the other choirs did awesome pieces and were very good. We then went to Olive Garden with Katie, Becca, and my family and Becca and I realized that we seriously live like 15 min away from one another walking. During dinner, my Dad decided to embarrass Katie and we told the waiter it was her birthday so they sang to her hahaha. It was great. Then I went to get my futon and stuff so my room finally feels complete now that we have our carpet and futon. It's great. After that we went to visit Jackie and meet Brian and now I am here. Talking to people on skype and doing my homework for tomorrow. Oooo! Jazz tomorrow night. Who's excited???? I am.
Well, until tomorrow!
P.S. Everyone needs to go to Youtube right now and type in "a very potter musical" watch it and download the soundtrack from . Trust me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hope for Heartbreak
Love is never easy but that is the beauty of it. Would love really be such a blessing if everyone could have love at the drop of a hat? Definitely not.
Love is struggle. Love is giving up a part of yourself to allow someone else to be themselves. Love is making sacrifices, getting messy, making decisions with your heart, not your head.
Love cannot be expected.
Love is rewarding. Love is reciprocal. Love is emotion, on top of emotion, on top of emotion. Love is selfless. Love is letting yourself wholly trust another human being and still accepting them for all their faults and weaknesses and helping them through those.
Breakups hurt, but if it's unbearable then you had something called true love. And a love like that is worth every ounce of heartbreak.
So love everyone with all your heart because you deserve nothing less in return.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Crazy Ever After (Acoustic Version)
Anyway. So yesterday. Yesterday I only had one class (Physics) cuz my lab was canceled. So I had my whole day to myself. and I actually got a ton of homework done.
I also finally made David's CD so I am sending that in the mail sometime today. And then 9pm had small groups and yea just had a really great night.
So I was sitting under this pretty tree on campus writing this blog until a nice big spider decided to climb on me so I had to relocate. And now I am sitting on safe, man-made, cement. Today I have almost all of my classes which kinda sucks. But it actually hasn't been that bad. It's a gorgeous day outside today. 79 and cloudy so it's not too hot especialkly with the nice breeze blowing through. Just perfect. I love perfect days.
The only thing that is not perfect about today is these little bugs that are swarming everywhere on the quad and getting all over everyone. You literally have to pick them off of you when you walk inside and they are tiny. so gross.
Well I have class in about 10 minutes so I should go. Until later!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Another Wonderful Day!
Well to start it off, I didn't have class till 2pm today. Quite unusual for a Monday but I am not complaining. Then I just had nice easy classes and the real fun started after I was done with class.
Today, I got to go to dinner with Heather and her roommate Gabby. Heather is awesome. We had a great talk and dinner ended up lasting about an hour and twenty minutes. I am very excited that I get to keep getting to know her. She reminds me a lot of Sam Duda. Love you, Sami!
After that I went back to the room and I saw I had a package in the mail. It was my Compassion Information Packet. I am now sponsoring a little girl named Zahara. She lives in Tanzania and is currently 5 years old. She is so precious and I am excited to make a difference in her life. With the money I send to her through Compassion, she will be able to have food and fresh water daily and go to school. Yay!
I also called Papa back because I had missed his call because I accidentally left my phone in the room. We got to have a very nice conversation and he is doing well since his surgery. He still is not feeling too well but I'm sure he'll be back on his feet in no time.
Finally, the jazz group we started here had it's first practice!!!!!! GAH! It was sooo exciting. We are learning Alice in Wonderland. Once we have a couple more practices, it is going to sound great. I am very excited for this group and cannot wait to get into more complicated things and really start rockin' some awesome music. The members are me, Katie, Eric, Jeana, Taylor and Matt. We started practice at about 8:30 and Katie and I stayed until 11 praticing and trying to teach me how to belt. It was awesome.
Well, I am going to sleep now. Laters!
P.S. Last night Megan and I went on a walk and we sat on the bowl fountain (you just have to see it) and she almost fell in trying to get off... funniest thing ever.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
This one's for you...
Well for starters last night really was awesome. I ran errands for the first time since being here and got some stuffs that I needed. And then I got a coffee table for my room which will look awesome when I get my carpet and my futon in here. CHYEAH! Then we came back and were supposed to go to this open mic thing but we didn't go and instead played Mario Party 4 which has the worst mini games ever. They just stink. I won even with the broken controller and ended the game with 5 stars. Yea...totally rocked that. The we decided to watch Moulin Rouge which was an amazing movie by the way. I got back to the room and put my itunes on shuffle and what comes on? My most favorite song in the entire world In the Wee Small Hours sung by Kurt Elling who is wonderful. And then John Paul sent me some new music :)
Then I went to sleep.
Got up this morning and went to church and then went out to lunch with everybody which was a lot of fun and came back here and painted my nails and organized my room. It was shweet. and Now I am attempting to do some homework and start my analysis paper. It's actually going to be an interesting paper since we got to chose our own topics. My topic is whether or not we can actually prove that Noah's Ark existed and was used. I'm expecting it to be a pretty crazy topic with a ton of research but I'm excited. Ooo almost forgot. The church is have a recital tonight that I am going to so that should be fun. And then I'm going to come back, finish homework, read my book and crash early which will be so nice. I don't think Meredith will be home till tomorrow during the day but whatever.
P.S. Just saw Moulin Rouge for the first time, incredible.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Well how are stars made? They shoot apples in the sky and light them on fire.
Friday, September 11, 2009
R & R
Well, this weekend is definitely a "me" weekend. Meredith left yesterday randomly. She walked in a was like I am leaving this weekend to go home and I was like oh that will be fun and then she was like bye! and she left sooo yea. It's nice to not have to be quiet as a mouse when I walk in at late hours of the night.
Now Katie and I are listening to Jason Robert Brown which is SO good. I love that the recordings of his songs are so.....rough. It just raw voices instead of synthesizers. It's so beautiful.
Well, we are going to see Nine, the Tim Burton movie, tonight with some people on our floor and then after Will and Grace marathon. Stoked!
It's Been a While
On Tuesday, I took a 3 hour nap. This was AWESOME and I think I might just start fitting a nap into my everyday schedule. Scientific study shows that napping boosts creativity and memory. I'll take it.
Then on Wednesday I was walking back from Tri with Katie when I found this really cool looking leaf. It is green orange red and yellow all on the same leaf.
Then we watched Glee which was amazing
and now it's Thursday, another laundry day. All socks accounted for.
I am so ready for the weekend.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Ec-pic: Once Upon a Time
My name is SB-z
I like my mac cheesy
Nate is my bro-zezy
and he likes to keep it PG-z
Waiting for the ellipses
After writing that riveting poem, Sarah performed it at a poetry slam and was discovered by a CNN reporter. They wanted Sarah to replace them, so they offered her the job on the spot. Sarah decided that it would be a great opportunity for a baby, and took the job. At her first day of work she had a ton of fun being the spokeperson for Pampers which was a booming business in their day. Nate was very jealous of Sarah's success and decided to take up gambling. He learned to count cards and roll die perfectly so that he would always win. He won so much money so quickly that he was able to retire at age 22. This allowed the family to go on an all-expenses paid trip Japan where they spent their time eating fresh made sushi. A delicious treat. They visited the emperor and enjoyed watching tai kwon do masters person in the moonlight. It was the perfect vacation until Sarah's friend who is a boy called her and told her that he had just almost kissed a guy at college. Sarah was confused and decided to never talk to him again, claiming to be in a relationship that didn't really exsist. Nate, still jealous decided to do something spontaneous and blog about all of his adventures in Africa. There he went on a safari where he saw all of the awesome animals that live in the Sahara. While Nate was daydreaming about home, tragedy struck! Brittany was suddenly taken ill with a deadly strain of the common cold. You see, she was somewhat old and frail, having been held captive many years ago had weakened her immune system. She was on her deathbed when suddenly, In through the front door walked that jerk who had stolen her years ago. He came to apologize but Brittany called Alfred over. Alfred decided to take matters into his own hands and avenge his one true love by giving the man a hug. You see, if the man hadn't taken Brittany years ago, then Alfred never would have known how much he missed her and how much he loved her. He allowed the man to be forgiven by Brittany then swiflty escorted him off the premises. Alfred went back upstairs with his wife's favorite drink, strawberry milk, and found that she was miraculously healed by the power of Arizona Iced Tea because of it's superior taste which Sarah had brought her while Alfred was talking with the strange man. After Alfred made this discovery, they watched a youtube video about this black woman with red highlights in her hair. she was a goofy lady, and the video improved the mood greatly. they decided to blog about their family adventures online, and their story turned out to be the biggest internet phenomenon since lolcats. they then decided to take their little family show on the road. Since they were all very musical, they decided to sing the sound of music soundtrack at various venues around the country. Their most favorite venue by far was House of Blues. One day while they were singing for the President and the First Lady President lincoln was assassinated by john wilkes booth. it was devastating for the whole country, but especially for brittany's family since they were part of the reason lincoln died. they felt so bad that they wrote the first lady a letter apologizing that it was at their performance that this tragedy occured. The First Lady knew that it was not their fault and was very appreciative of the fact that the Holanders' were so kind and thoughtful. She gave them $1000 to buy themselves a time machine to travel to the present. they were surprised by all of the technological inventions, and especcially liked the george foreman grill. they were able to find many new friends in their new neighborhood, and loved their new neighbors so much that they decided to share their favorite way to get out of awkward situations with them. It was putting their pinky on their nose. Since their neighbors were pretty awkward, they found themselves using it all the time. One exceptionally awkward situation was when they were over at their neighbor's house and all of them were just sitting, trying to guess each other's favorite music. this got pretty boring and potentially flirtacious, so they used the pinky trick to peace it, only to find out that they had nowhere to go especially since the kids were asleep at home. As Brittany and Alfred ran out of the other building they decided to go to this music building called Nella. While they were at Nella they talked about people that they knew and brittany and alfred realized exactly how similar they are, despite having been married for so long. they missed their time together since having kids, and decided to go out once a week, just the two of them. however, this proved impossible because the next day Brittany's mother decided to visit and we all know how mother-in-law's are. She wouldn't let them spend any time together because she was always butting into their business. that's when Alfred and Brittany decided to pull a romantic move and run away together because their kids were now in college and could take care of themselves. They rode their bikes through the cornfields of america, finding great views and scenery. they rode so much that their tires began to wear out and they decided that there were better ways to travel. so they rented a hot air balloon and took off into the sky. It was so beautiful up there and they could see for miles. They actually saw the first place that they kissed and a flood of memories came back. As they sat remebering their beautiful life together they were interruped by a plane flying 50 feet above them. they were saddened that they couldn't hear each other talk, but knew that they both were completely happy in that moment. they began to ran out of gas, so they brought the balloon down to a reasonable height and jumped out and let the balloon float away. Now they were lost together in the middle of cornfields and they didn't mind at all. After sitting around talking till 7:30am they decided that they should probably find some sort of civilization before night. They walked hand in hand and found the beautiful city of peoria. it was not really the type of civilization that they were looking for, and decided that it was more fun to keep walking than suffer in poo-oria. so they left at 7:36 after grabbing some food and kept walking until they found a walgreens. While they were there they decided that the only way to stop their boredom was to create a giant slip and slide. They gathered all the materials and went up to check out but it was WAY too expensive. They didn't know what do to and thought about it for a while. Suddenly Alfred had a brilliant idea as always. He decided that it would be a fantastic idea to ride the buses for a long time. however, it turns out that the buses that alfred wanted to ride wouldn't allow women like brittany on them, so they had to rethink that plan. they found a way around it by sneaking brittany onto the bus. After getting on the bus they rode all the way to Glenview where they decided to go back to where they had first taken their night walks. they repeated that fateful night, and this time again they saw a shooting star and once again each made a wish. They sat in silence together and just enjoyed one another's company. It turns out that they made the same wish that night. This wish was that they would always have each other [insert sappy awww here]. And they did for as long as they lived which was quite a long time.
The End.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I went to the library. They didn't have the book I wanted to read so I read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Good short story. I don't think I'm gonna see the movie anymore. I heard it was pretty bad.
I then wanted to find breakfast so I looked for a Starbucks. Google said there was one 4 miles away. So I went to the Rec Center across from the dorm and got food there at this Cafe. I tried to get back into the room and got all the way to the second floor without an I-Card and then Zach and John weren't there so I chilled in the commons and Danielle and Kaitlyn rescued me eventually.
Unexplained Phenomenon Day!
I slept through my alarm yesterday and got to Physics 20 minutes late. I almost didn't go because I didn't see the point in being that late but we had a quiz. Good thing I went!
Well, Alexis kicked me out, just kidding! She has rush so I left the room so she could lock it and I walked to the library all by myself! I am so resourceful. Now I'm just waiting for somebody to wake up and say "Hey come hang out!" We are all teenagers so it will probably be a while.
As I was trying to get into the library a spider literally the size of a quarter (see picture) crawled up the handle. I sucked it up and knocked it off so I could get in and read my book. I didn't walk this far to be stopped by some stupid spider.
Oh, and fun fact, it's "unexplained phenomenon" day on Google. Super fun.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Laundry Day
1) I love the fact that I never lose a sock. At home sometimes my mom would do my laundry so you never knew what was going to happen to your socks. They would get lost in the abyss of the sock bin in the laundry room and never get paired again! I have successfully washed and dried 3 loads of whites with no sock left behind. I intend to keep this record through the year.
2) I am obsessed with keeping my room clean and organized. I clean like every day. And Thursday is my super clean day. I even fold my underwear now... I'm sure my parents are happy about this.
Well it's another typical crazy day here at college. I took a wonderful hour long nap after class. Now, there are two guys making an action movie on my floor. I got really excited and asked if I could be an extra. They said no... clearly they didn't look closely at my credentials (lead in musical, starring role in Katie's senior project). They don't know what they are missing out on.
There is also some guy singing beautifully somewhere below August and Briana's room. They went to check it out and report back to me.
I get to visit U of I tomorrow and get to see all my buddies!! yay! :) And that's about it.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Just Another Wednesday
"We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall." -Proverbs 16:33
So cool. It's good to know that God will direct my path no matter what choices I make. I like that.
But today was pretty uneventful. I realized that it makes me SUPER angry when teachers erase the board and they leave that one little line or dot that they miss. I spent most of my physics class holding myself back from getting up and erasing it myself. Yes, I'm strange. Well I'm headed to the Leadership class at Cornerstone. So excited! More later.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Duct Tape
But I think the thing that took the cake today was when I got a phone call from my friend from the 6th floor saying I had to come see something. KK and I went and there was a guy duct taped onto the RA's door. He was suspended at least 6 inches off the ground. It was crazy so instead of doing homework we waited until the RA got back so we could see his reaction. I'll post a picture when they put them on facebook. Bahahaha!
3am and Tagged Photo... Not a Good Combo
Well, let's begin with last night. I was supposed to be packing up my stuff so I could get a good night's sleep and wake up at 5:30am. Cool.
But of course me being, well me, I decided to spend my much needed sleep talking to John and Zach. That was definitly a good decision (not sarcastic, for real). First mistake, being naive. Zach sat there and was like make a really funny face because he was doing it so I did....numerous times trying to beat out his freaky looking faces. Little did I know that Zach was taking pictures.... Please feel free to see the damage on facebook, yes he tagged me in ALL of them.
Needless to say I spent the next two hours talking to them on Skype in my garage because I didn't want to wake anyone up. That was my second mistake. My father, being the protective person he his locked the bottom lock of my door and so when I went to get back in my house.... I was locked out. I spent the next hour trying to figure out how to get back inside without waking anyone up. I eventually found a randomly hidden key somewhere and made it back inside without having to sleep in the car.
So I packed up and made into bed by 3am. Waking up was AWESOME...not.
Dorm Sweet Dorm
Yep, I'm stupid
Blog Archive
- Blogging From My Phone
- The Ramblings of Katie Wolf
- Weekends
- School Gets in the Way of Life
- Oh What a Night
- Apparently This One Wasn't Important Enought to Ha...
- I Guess College Kids Still Pick Their Noses
- Super Great
- Oh Kurt....
- A Little Too Ironic....
- Tattoo
- Fire Drill
- Just Another Statistic
- Once Again...
- Huh....
- You know when....
- "Happy Winds-day!"
- Ec-pic Fail
- Uneventful
- Quote Out of Context for the day
- Food.
- Conga Lines
- Hope for Heartbreak
- Crazy Ever After (Acoustic Version)
- Another Wonderful Day!
- This one's for you...
- Sometimes
- :)
- R & R
- It's Been a While
- The Ec-pic: Once Upon a Time
- ....
- Unexplained Phenomenon Day!
- Laundry Day
- Just Another Wednesday
- I Found Pictures!