Sunday, September 13, 2009

This one's for you...

Well since Robby told me my blog was getting weak, I decided to dedicate this entry to him. So here you are Robby, an ec-pic awesome and huge blog post for no reason!

Well for starters last night really was awesome. I ran errands for the first time since being here and got some stuffs that I needed. And then I got a coffee table for my room which will look awesome when I get my carpet and my futon in here. CHYEAH! Then we came back and were supposed to go to this open mic thing but we didn't go and instead played Mario Party 4 which has the worst mini games ever. They just stink. I won even with the broken controller and ended the game with 5 stars. Yea...totally rocked that. The we decided to watch Moulin Rouge which was an amazing movie by the way. I got back to the room and put my itunes on shuffle and what comes on? My most favorite song in the entire world In the Wee Small Hours sung by Kurt Elling who is wonderful. And then John Paul sent me some new music :)

Then I went to sleep.

Got up this morning and went to church and then went out to lunch with everybody which was a lot of fun and came back here and painted my nails and organized my room. It was shweet. and Now I am attempting to do some homework and start my analysis paper. It's actually going to be an interesting paper since we got to chose our own topics. My topic is whether or not we can actually prove that Noah's Ark existed and was used. I'm expecting it to be a pretty crazy topic with a ton of research but I'm excited. Ooo almost forgot. The church is have a recital tonight that I am going to so that should be fun. And then I'm going to come back, finish homework, read my book and crash early which will be so nice. I don't think Meredith will be home till tomorrow during the day but whatever.


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