130 questions…promise you won't lie?
Yep. I think I can handle that
Is the person you last texted single?
Do you get jealous easily?
It's actually impossible for me to be jealous. I'm very lucky for that
Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
Nope. I don't waste my time on people that I don't think I can be with
What are you currently waiting for?
Turkey Soup. It's all I want right now!
Do you think more about the past, present, or future?
The present. Sometimes it bites me in the butt because I don't really care to think about the future meaning I don't make a plan or I wait till the last second for stuff.
Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?
TOTALLY! my friendzies from home
Honestly, do you really love the last person you said I love you too?
Yep. Honestly do.
Is anything wrong with your eyes?
I have pretty sweet glasses because I can't see and I have this sketchy twitch that happens when I'm nervous or tired
Who were the last people you saw besides from family?
Gavin, Derek, Ricky, Luke and Tyler
Do you have nice eyes?
Green on the outside, blue towards the center. i will admit, they are pretty awesome.
Have you ever received a love letter more than a page long?
YES!!!!!!!! It was amazing.
Who's thinking about you right now?
My mom because she wants me to get off the computer hahaha
Is this year the best year of your life?
Everyday moment is the best moment of my life. Life just keeps getting exponentially better
Which of your friends lives closest to you?
Hmmmm... Rachel, Becca, Katie
How do you feel about Diet Dr Pepper?
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Do you ever work out?
Yea! I've been working out a lot actually
Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
I never go to a tanning bed
Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
Ummm no.
Does your bedroom need cleaning?
Not anymore. I became a neat freak in college
Zombies or Vampires?
July 4th or St. Patrick's Day?
St. Patty's Day! Corned Beef and Cabbage!
Pretty Woman or Sixteen Candles?
I don't think I've seen either of those haha
Sushi of choice?
All kinds! Sushi is great
Yard sale or goodwill?
Yard sales. They are pretty awesome and always in the summer
Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?
really slow
Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex?
Are you comfortable with your height?
Do you act differently around the person you like?
nope. I'm just naturally insane and crazy all the time
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
how am I supposed to answer this? P.S. My grammar has progressively gone down the drain in this note.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Do you like thunderstorms?
Love them
Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Yes. It is possible
How fast does your mood change?
The only mood that I have is happy. I am lucky to be stuck in this particular mood
Are there things that can't be joked about with you?
I'm totally cool with joking about anything
What do you always take with you?
Umm I have no clue. I guess a hair scrunchie
When is your birthday?
July 26
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
I would have to go with the Grove
Anything on your walls?
Pics. I would like to paint some artwork though
What do you bite more, your tongue, lip, or cheek?
I always bite my lip!
Has a boy/girl called you babe/baby lately?
Oh, I get that all the time. haha no
Is there something that you want to tell someone but can't?
I think being honest with people is the best thing that has ever happened to me so no. I can say that everything that I need to say to people is out there in the open
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
I totally dig long relationships
Do you crack your knuckles?
constantly. and this question made me want to do it really bad! one sec...
Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
alright... back. yea speeches are great. i'm excited for my communications class next semester
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
If I tried really hard I could probably guess but let's remember that I live in the present so I don't remember the past unless I really have to. It made me who I am today so I guess I am the past living in the present... ooo philosophical
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks?
I think that would be cool. Maybe a whale shark or one that wouldn't be interested in eating me. or if i was in a cage that would be cool too
Does anyone know your passwords besides you?
ummmm maybe like one other person
Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks?
I can't remember!!! I don't think so. I think it was in the rain.
What would you do if you found out the person you liked had a girlfriend?
Well since I truly cared about them. I would just be happy that they were happy
What is the last beverage you had?
orange juice
I bet you miss somebody right now…
I bet I don't.... haha I dunno I guess I do
Do you have a box where you keep all your important things?
Sophomore year I did that and then I got lazy
How many times have you dyed your hair?
Can you count past 100?
well here is the test.... ninety nine, one hundred, one hundred and one! oh my goodness that was effort
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
oh totally. I would become like behr grillzz ( I don't know how to spell his name)
How old will you be in 17 months?
19. I'm just a youngin' haha
Most memorable thing that's happened to you over the summer?
I don't even know! everything?
Has anyone called you perfect before?
I hope not!
Do your best friends’ parents tend to like you?
Yea... I get along much better with parents than kids
What’s your all-time favorite ROMANCE movie?
I'm with Katie... don't have one
TV show you watch?
Glee and House
Are any of your friends taller than you?
yea most of them
Name the bands you have band tees for:
Relient K and Superchick (signed!! that's right...)
Do you prefer the ocean or pool?
Ever liked someone whose name started with a A?
Probably in like second grade
What’s your favorite part of the song that you’re listening to?
The whole thing! I'm listening to Selah
Ever really cried your heart out?
Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2009?
I don't think I can say that. I think you would have to ask someone who knows me that question.
Is there a difference between love and IN love?
there is a HUGE difference
Does it bother you when someone says they will call you and they don't?
nah. I just get them back later. haha just kiddding
Do you speak any other language other than English?
Did 2008 treat you good?
didn't I already talk about this? life keeps getting exponentially better
Do you think you were raised well?
YEA! my parentals are the bomb!
Could you name all 50 states and point to them on a map?
bahaha. According to Map Challenge on facebook that is a negative
Are you someone's best friend?
quiero que si
Where was the last place you were when you got sick?
I don't remember the last time I was sick
Have you ever smuggled something into America?
What's your favorite super-hero?
No idea
Can you say the alphabet backward?
My brain only works forward. The rewind button is broken
Pen or pencil?
Hummmm.... marker pens
Ever had an 11:11 wish come true?
Do you get bad headaches?
What's worse: liars or cheaters?
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
my friends don't call the heartbreaker for nothing! haha
What's usually colder, your hands or your feet?
my feet
What’s your favorite type of flower?
i does not have one
Give me a random lyric from the song you're listening to:
Seeeeeellllaaaaahhh! Selah. selah. SELAH!
Do you like competition?
i'm always down for a little competition
Do you think two people can last forever?
for sure!
Do you consider yourself lucky?
yes. I am the luckiest person alive when it comes to life. when it comes to winning things, not so much
Do you live in a ghetto neighborhood?
yea... the g-hood. hardcore stuff....
Is there someone that cares about you more than themselves?
God. He is my rock and the reason that I am able to honestly say my life is beautiful in an situation. He is so good to me for no reason! that's true love and caring right there
Who was the ugliest person you saw today?
Has a song ever made you cry?
A book ever made you cry?
Is the world crumbling to pieces?
hmmm.... yes and no
How many states in the U.S. have you been to?
as of yesterday, 11!
Where did you grow up?
In the same house my dad has grown up in since he was 10. I have never moved
Is your handwriting large, tiny, or pretty normal?
pretty shmeh haha
Will you be in a relationship next month?
probably not
Your phone rings, what do you say?
apparently I say "Hey punk" hahaha
Has anyone ever said they wanted to marry you?
ummm no
Have you ever been a gymnast or a cheerleader?
gymnast like when i was 2
Is your birthday on a holiday?
dude... my birthday IS a holiday. just kidding. it's not on a holiday
Do you ever cry during romantic movies?
yea. i'm secretly a hopeless romantic as much as I say i'm not
Do you always answer your phone?
I tend to not answer my phone. I used have my phone super glued to my ear and now I just don't feel it is a necessary part of me. so i feel like i ignore phone calls and texts a lot so don't take it personally. i'm doing it to everyone
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?
Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?
Ummm i guess megan haha
Are you ticklish?
i don't know what you're talking about....
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