Monday, May 2, 2011

Just some thoughts

Wow. It has been a while.

I miss blogging. I miss remembering. I miss documenting the crazy things in my life that are going on.

Last night was insane. Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan and the USA was in celebration. I heard via facebook that people were rallying in the quad but I figured that it was nothing. As I was lying in bed I started hearing loud chanting, "USA! USA! USA!" I look out my window and hundreds if not a couple thousand people were outside of Atkin-Colby rallying for the USA. My friends and I ran outside to join the madness and be a part of the experience. ISU students took over normal for one night. We walked down Main Street and down college avenue and kept gaining more and more students. There must have been 7,000-8,000 people outside and much more watching from the dorms. Everyone was chanting "USA" and singing the National Anthem. We all convened at Watterson and then everyone ran to the flagpole in the quad where we all did the Pledge of Allegiance. That was the most beautiful part of the night. I only wish this is how Americans acted on the Fourth of July, so proud of their country. I am not happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead. I have the greatest sympathy for his family and friends who probably knew a very different side of him but I am thankful that those affected by 9/11 (myself included) have some closure.

As we were walking Katie said what we were all thinking, "I wish we could get students this excited about anything. Imagine if we put this kind of energy into something productive." So true. I wish I could think of a good example but I can't.

We got back before the giant rush of people trying to check into the dorms got back. I laid in my bed and raised my hands to the Lord and thought wouldn't it be incredible if Christians rallied around Christ. I imagined a HUGE prayer walk that took over the streets of Bloomington-Normal that lead us to the flagpole at the quad where we sang to our King. Then I thought about Heaven. I thought of the chanting "USA! USA!" and "**** OSAMA" and I then heard "GOD ALMIGHTY" and "JESUS REIGNS". I thought of everyone rushing to the flagpole to say the Pledge and saw all of God's people in Heaven rushing to the throne of God and rallying around it and praising Him, our Creator. A little taste of Heaven.

I can't wait.

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King

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