I officially have 2 weeks left of my freshman year of college. That is nuts... I haven't blogged since Tuesday which I did not mean to do because now I have a lot to talk about! yay! except I don't remember everything I wanted to say so I will be brief.
Well, basically on Wednesday I stopped fasting because I was almost fainting every time I went to stand up. Not good. Then, that night I went to my friend's house and cooked dinner for her and her kids. I made enchiladas with homemade tomatillo sauce. It was awesome! I ended up staying from like 4-11:30pm because I made dinner and then stayed for American Idol and got to hang out with the girls that come over. It was a fun time.
Thursday was Homegroup which was actually really really good. We talked about whether or not we were satisfied in God. It was just a great conversation and I really enjoyed it. On the walk back Molly, KK and I talked about speaking in tongues and prophesy and what that looks like today and then we looked up a bunch of stuff when we got back to the dorm. Like I said, great conversations this night
Friday I went to classes and then KK, Katie Zarletti and I went to Max's for the weekend. We had a TON of fun. I feel like I finally got a real college experience.
I have had amazing God Time this week! YAY!!!!
You need to blog- now that you are in an new state! How is the new Job? Training, etc...