Monday, March 22, 2010


This is the 58th time I have decided to let people know how I am doing. The 58th set of moments of my life that I don't want to forget. So here it goes... 58 things that have happened to me in the past week since my last blog post in no particular order.

1) Had my first day back from Spring Break
2) Tried to choose classes without having a major
3) Decided that I wanted to be a Marketing and Business Administration Major
4) Decided that I didn't actually know what I wanted to do with my life yet and I didn't have to decide that quickly
5) Started planning for LT
6) Discovered something called Connect by Hertz where you can rent a car for a few hours. Sounds pretty awesome.
7) Went on a walk in 64 degree weather. It was beautiful
8) Saw tulips blooming
9) Had a great talk with one of my best friends, Rachel, after small group and we got to realizing that Judaism and Christianity aren't as different as we thought. It feels good to no longer be ignorant.
10) Had a choir concert
11) Went to dinner with my family and had leftovers the next day (eggplant parmesan.. SO good)
12) Got to have my brother stay with me overnight in the dorm so he could experience my version of the college life.
13) Had dinner with the two fabulous girls who are on the worship team with me
14) Made someone feel awkward. haha story of my life!
15) Realized that when I took the train home I left the keys for the van in my pocket and so my parents had to find the spare in order to drive it all week. I also realized that I forgot my epic awesome toothbrush and comb at home
16) Held the car keys for ransom until I got my items back from my parents safe and sound this weekend
17) Was visited by Max, another one of my best friends.
18) Skipped math class on Thursday when I have a test tomorrow with no other review classes in between
19) Had bible study a bunch!
20) Had Sunday Night Prayer and It was amazing and beautiful and God really spoke to me about what he wants for Cornerstone and the leaders there
21) Thought about staying single purposefully for the next 6-7 years so I can just focus on what God wants me to do in that time
22) Thought about what in this life would make me happy. I couldn't really think of anything specific that would make me happy in the future. I just know what makes me happy now
23) Considered taking a job that wouldn't let me do worship band
24) Didn't take the job
25) Consistently woke up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep for a while. Go insomnia!
26) Consistently woke people up with text messages that I sent late at night
27) Started re-watching the 3rd season of Heroes so I can get back into it
28) Found the application that my Dad makes my potential boyfriends fill out... those of you who have dated me are brave souls
29) Was excluded
30) Was told I was not allowed to transfer or even consider transferring to another school
31) Talked to Max's mom on skype bahaha
32) Tried to study for math
33) Fell asleep on my math book while studying
34) Stayed up till 4am
35) Tried to convince my dad to pay for my ear piercing
36) Heard birds singing in the morning
37) Have discovered that I am engaged to God and it's awesome
38) Have realized that I have to travel around the world when I am older. No settling down for me!
39) Have made the hallway into a freezing wind tunnel because I opened my window and my door
40) Was given a delicious M&M cookie!
41) Tried to hold August's hand awkwardly and got denied
42) Had it almost snow on the official first day of Spring
43) Was called Freckles....multiple times. Bleh
44) Considered eating some of my Dinosaur Egg Oatmeal
45) Had KK walk into our room, while a boy was here, in a towel. I died of laughter and fortunately she did too
46) Reminisced about High School
47) Went to Women's overnight-er
48) Discovered that I don't make time for God much less anyone else who isn't on the ISU campus because it's kind of hard to make the time for those people even though I love them. I don't want to do that to God either. I demand his full attention but I don't give Him my full attention
49) Re-focused
50) Discovered that I want to have an amazing conversation with Liz, a new person at Cornerstone who has traveled around the world.
51) Have missed Sam Duda and the joy she brings to my life
52) Have been happy that KK is my roommate :-)
53) Got a pedicure
54) Have started actually having a memory finally!
55) Had fun hanging out with my brother and friends and showing him that drinking isn't fun and that sober fun is way cooler
56) Made some new friends
57) Made KK's bed
58) Drank Peach Iced for the first time in a long time... satisfying

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