Thursday, January 12, 2012

Oh I Crack Myself Up....

It was the first of the snow fall that cold winter’s day
When Kristin decided to head out to play

The sun shone so brightly; ground covered in glitter
She shared her excitement with her friends via twitter

Soon she was ready for home, a place to thaw out
But the door wouldn’t seal right she noticed with a pout

All the frigid cold wind that should be out there
Was freezing her apartment and the man-made warm air

                       She debated and thought but just for a minute                      
“Call Young America? No I’ve got enough wit.”

So off to her room she ran with no delay
For her tools and a jacket; she’ll be handy today

Upon further investigation she discovered the problem
The small metal strip that lay there, on the bottom

But she needed a screw to make the strip stay
In place when the wind came to blow another day

She remembered an extra, right in her stash
Excitedly she tried it and it was a match!

“I’m done!” She exclaimed, proud to conquer her foes
But when she went to shut the door, now it wouldn’t close

“How can this be? I just fixed the darn thing!”
Lurked a piece in the track that required quick thinking

“Ah Ha!” She realized, “I know just what to do.”
So she grabbed a kitchen knife the one called Ginsu 

She sawed and hammered and chipped it away
That darn little piece that was so in the way

Now her door seals quite nicely if you give it a shove
When you ask her about it she’ll say it was a labor of love

She fixes all sorts of things after fixing the door
“Take that, Young America! I will call you no more!”

And it took me 20 minutes to cleverly tell you about 20 minutes of my life today.  

