Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Blogging From My Phone
Anyway. So yesterday I spent epic amounts of time creating my new Plan of Study. It's color coordinated and everything so it's like the real deal.
After that had small groups and talked about identity which is actually a really hard topic in my opinion.
Then came the epic study party that was held from about 1 till 330. It was a pretty unproductive night to say the least but at least we got a good laugh out of it.
On a sad note, bought this T-shirt called a personal soundtrack T-shirt and it shipped to my house :( so now I won't have it for Halloween unless my parents love me *cough cough*
Currently sitting in the Waterrson Food Court waiting for something epically awesome to happen so I can brighten your day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Ramblings of Katie Wolf
"But you were in the rain and the rain is water that fish have sex in!"
Katie Wolf everybody!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
School Gets in the Way of Life
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oh What a Night
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Apparently This One Wasn't Important Enought to Have a Title
The best thing about Monday was that I got to go to dinner with Becca and Rae. It was like old times. Went to Noodles. Chilled in my room. You know the basics. Then Katie and I went to Fusion Brew which is amazing. Their Chai Tea Latte... yea definitely competitive with Caribou.
Tuesday: Hmmmm had physics and my physics labs yesterday and the stupid lab took forever. The TA had no idea what was going on. I had to stay the whole 3 hours which sucked. Hopefully we did well on the lab cuz i'll be mad if we get points taken off.
Glee is tonight! Super excited!
Right now I'm sitting in my Physics Seminar. Pretty interesting. We are learning about nuclear stuff and the likely hood of getting cancer from radiation. Apparently the single largest risk factor for getting cancer is old age. I guess I hope we find a cure for getting old. That would be good. The biggest lifetime radiation dose comes from background radiation: the sun, other people, the walls, your own body, food. About 40 millirems a year and 60 millirems a year if you are in close contact with people for the majority of the day. I guess that's the science lesson for the day.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I Guess College Kids Still Pick Their Noses
Well, let's see. Yesterday was Saturday. I had to deal with a heart attack of a situation. That was fun and for that reason, I could not watch House because I couldn't concentrate. Sadness. So then I took a nap forever. And then I went to Target.
Sadly, as a college student who doesn't drink or smoke, going out on a Saturday night means going to Target. We took some public transportation there and Kaitlyn and I got flannel for flannel Fridays and I got the GOOD Peach Iced Tea. Soo then we came back here and we chilled.
Shut my shades so I wouldn't wake up as early as usual. I was hoping to wake up at like 2pm. But DANG IT DARBUS I only slept till like 11:30. Dumb. But we went to the laundry mat and I read "A Short History of Nearly Everything". Learned all about why limestone is sooo important which was cool.
Then I cam back here. This is SO awful. So in the elevator someone wrote "mike was here" with boogers like pretty big. I saw it was was totally grossed out. So then August got back from her trip home and Breanna, Josh and I went to help her carry her stuff up.
We all got in the elevator and we held the door open for this guy who was running to get in. He got in and asked to go to the floor and LEANED ON THE BOOGER WRITING!!! I was the only one who saw and all I could do was crack up laughing. I couldn't form words and all I could do was point and just like choke-laugh. Thankfully Breanna saw me pointing and looked over and told the kid that he was leaning in boogers. It was SO EC-PIC FUNNY.
Well that was my Saturday and Sunday. Pretty sweet. Well I hope you enjoy! Laters
Friday, October 9, 2009
Oh Kurt....
Well it's 7:52am and I am sitting in the train station. You might be thinking I should be at school or at least on my way back and sitting on the train but no. I missed the 7am train. It's amazing the difference in traffic between 6am and 6:10am… what the heck. Any way you won't get this post till later but you should know that I am really writing this at 7:52 am. It's amazing that there is no free WiFi anywhere around here. I went to Starbucks and you have to pay for it. Reason #37 that Caribou is infinitely better than Starbucks.
Alright sooo yesterday. I had an extra train ticket and so I decided to visit school. Woke up late, and then had to run to the train from my dorm. Got to school around noon and it was so nice to see everyone! Carolyn by far had the best reaction haha. She saw me in the hall and just said hi and kept walking and then turned around and FLIPPED out and literally fell on the ground. Haha. I found out Solace was having practice that night and so I wanted to stay instead of going back last night at about 7. Got to go to their practice and they were wonderful. They saw "Over the Rainbow" by Celtic Women and "Where is Love" from Oliver. Both were awesome! I can't wait for the Solace concert! I got to hear the Solace CD which will be out by November 2nd. OH MY GOSH! It's amazing. The live track of "God's Love Nubia" is amazing. Emily sounds sooo kick butt on it.
I wasn't expecting to stay the night so I borrowed some clothes and slept in my makeshift bed. My room has been officially turned into a game/TV room for my brother. If you knew what my room looked like before you would realize how easy it would be to do that. Yea so slept there and now my train leaves around 9:30. I'm going to miss Physics and Math….again. Whatever! It's Friday… who really cares. But I'm still kinda angry anyway and I gotta help this kid with His Physics homework cuz he never comes to class and doesn't know what's going on. I have been avoiding it all week because I think it's so pathetic that he didn't come to class so he doesn't know how to do the homework. Whatever. People like that are never gonna make it in life.
There is a girl crying to my left. I think she missed her train too… that sucks.
Anyway, yep, just sitting in the Amtrak Station. I have an hour to kill so doing some people watching. People are funny you know?
Oh life. I think the worst thing about life is not the fact that we have time constraints, that's not a big deal, but the fact that we have to sleep. Sleep is just SO dumb. Why can't my brain and body just run continuously? I mean when I sit down it could recharge my body. That's like rest sort of.
Oh man, looks like the K9 unit has just picked up someone. Good to know that our Chicago Police force is doing it's job. And here we go. They are trying to get him to leave. I don't think he has drugs but I don't know. Well now they are searching him. I think they let him go but told him to get out. Dang.
I'm sitting by a fountain right now and I really wish I had a penny to throw in so I could make a wish. I would definitely wish that I didn't have a quiz today in Physics. That would be nice. UGH 45 more minutes until I can get on the train. I'm going to work on my survey paper once I get on the train. That will be good.
Oh there is a lady walking around with hair curlers in her hair. I wonder if she knows?
I'm going to read now. My nerd book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. It's actually pretty good. At least I like it. It's basically all the scientific discoveries since the 1800's. I am already in the 1990's and I am only half way through the book. It's amazing how much technology and science has change in the past 20 years. There have just been HUGE strides. Alright well I'm off to continue learning about the earths' inner, middle and outer core. Stoked. Later.
P.S. I need to find a man who makes my heart flutter as much as it does when Kurt Elling sings to me on my iPod. *sigh*
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Little Too Ironic....
"i dont really feel like talking to a bunch of nerds when i could be reading my book"
.... Yea, I really do think.
That's right! I don't have to get a tattoo anymore of a string around my finger because I found this. Stoked. Mom and Dad should be relieved haha.
So you know it's a good day when one of your classes gets canceled. Yep. Got the chance to blog because English was canceled today. Woot!
Sooooo yesterday. Yesterday, only had one class and then spent the rest of the day studying for my Physics class today. Then took a break at about 8 for 3 hours to go to ImprovMafia which is an improve show ( if you couldn't figure that out already). Pretty good. Then I had small group.
Now I am watching Top Chef Masters. It's super good.
Oh. Max is coming to visit on Friday. Super excited for that and then the Hannah Honky Tonk which should be fun is on Saturday night. Basically gone all weekend once again.
I think I might be going home tomorrow for the day. That will be fun. Alright well I'm gonna go on and rock that for a while. More later!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Fire Drill
There was a guy who had to run out of the shower in just his towel and another guy who was in a banana suit... I have never had so many questions.
Yesterday was just average. Unpacked from the weekend today and yea, overall good day.
Today. BORING! and lots and lots of studying. I realized as I was sitting in class that I would really love it if my parents got me internet on my phone so I could blog whenever I want (COUGH COUGH COUGH!) and check my emails for IMI ( COUGH COUGH COUGH!!!!)
Well, improv mafia tonight and then small groups....woot!
P.S. I counted that box of coins I took, Dad. $33.75
Monday, October 5, 2009
Just Another Statistic
I have decided to join the statistic and change my major like 50% of all college students who come into college with their major decided. I am switching from Physics Teaching to Music Education (sorry Mr. Lewis!). It was quite a long weekend and after a lot of discussion with my parents, I decided that was the best thing for me. Well moving on to this weekend which was crazy.
I went to Becca's on Friday night and saw "What the Butler Saw". It was a crazy play with lots of running around and confusion. The set pretty much fell apart during the play which was sooo not supposed to happen. It made it funnier though.
We then went to a frat party (pretty dumb). It felt like being in a movie. The typical dance party in one room and beer pong in the others and sticky floors. Of course, because, you know me, I didn't drink and neither did Becca so we just tried to have a good time. Didn't work out so well. There was this guy who was trying to dance with us who just danced like a freak! The worst part about it was we couldn't tell if he was wasted or sober. If he was wasted he might have had a chance at being normal. If he was sober....Oh. My. Gosh. It was still fun to go out and about though. Then we went back to the dorm and I met Reggie who is AWESOME! and then we watched Nick and Norah's infinite playlist which I had never seen. It was very cute. Then we stayed up till (shield your eyes mom and dad!) 6am.
Woke up the next morning at about 1:30 which is the latest I have ever slept and then went back home after grabbing lunch. I went home and packed to go home for the night. I got home at about 9pm and walked in to find that my room had been disassembled and made into a game/tv room from my brother so going home really felt like a vacation this time rather than "going home". Don't worry, to get my revenge I took a TON of quarters from my dad's piggy bank that will probably pay for laundry for the next 4 years of college (yes I asked first).
Went to Kafein with Katie that night and stopped by Caribou which was fun and then I went to the Carson's to see them/surprise them. Katie told them she was bringing over a surprise and when we got there Dan goes, "YOU'RE NOT MAX!" Bahahaha! I definitely felt very loved in that moment.
Next day, went to church talked to Max and got working on my new plan of study. As of right now I will being taking 20 credit hours a semester because I couldn't figure out how to work my scheduling around. I finished it when I got back to the dorm and as I sat there rearranging my classes and stuff, Breana and Katie (Wolf) both thought it looked like I was making a world domination plan because I had everything spread out everywhere. Haha.
Robby Shellard's family got a new puppy. Ask him about it. SO CUTE!
Got to talk to Sami for a little while. I miss that girl but she might come visit me soon! :)
Well hopefully I will have an actually exciting/funny story for you next time. Laters!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Once Again...
Let's see what is happening in my life. This week was a crazy week. Literally woke up on Monday went to all my classes and came back to the dorm and already wanted the week to be over. Missed Glee because of a meeting which was SOOOO sad but whatever. Gotta watch that tonight. Then on Thursday I went to see the Illinois State Symphony Orchestra. They were very good and the conductor was SUPER intense. The guy who played the triangle at the Orchestra concert played with such authority. I was inspired. I have now decided it is my life's goal to play the triangle for CSO. Not percussion, I would just specialize in triangle because it is clearly the most important instrument in the Orchestra. Well here is what we heard that night.
Carneval Overture, Op. 92 (1891) -- Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)
Sinfonia Concertante, K 364 (K. 320d, 1779) -- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Allegro Maestoso
Symphony No. 4 in F minor, Op. 36 (1877) -- Pyotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Andante sostenuto-Moderato con anima
Andantino in modo di canzona
Scherzo; Pizzicato ostinato: Allegro
Finale: Allegro con fuoco
Today I had 3 classes. That was nice. This weekend is gonna be awesome though! I will not spill anything that I am going to do but Becca and I are hanging out tonight and so more later. Get excited :)
Happy Friday everyone and have a wonderful weekend!!!
Blog Archive
- Blogging From My Phone
- The Ramblings of Katie Wolf
- Weekends
- School Gets in the Way of Life
- Oh What a Night
- Apparently This One Wasn't Important Enought to Ha...
- I Guess College Kids Still Pick Their Noses
- Super Great
- Oh Kurt....
- A Little Too Ironic....
- Tattoo
- Fire Drill
- Just Another Statistic
- Once Again...